Friday, August 26, 2005

And the Lord said, "Let there be Frisbee"

And it was good.

But not as good as the foot clan from the Ninja Turtles. How awesome were those guys. Except, I didn't like the discrepancy between the movies and the cartoon. Were they robots or people!? Come on now...

On a frisbee related note, the season is apon us. Frosh Week is just over a week away. There are plans in the works about a pick-up scrimmage goign down in Pervert Park (for you froshies, its across Barrie from Botterell Hall and BioSci). The date has yet to be determined, but let it be known, it will happen. If you book them, they will come.

As it stands now it looks like we may forgo (sp?) Sectionals (because of Homecoming) and take in Untrained and Unleashed, one weekend earlier, in Montreal. Supposedly it has a bitching party, so it has Queen's written all over it. Biggest night of the year...

All for now, stay tuned. Same frisbee time, same frisbee channel. Shit that was a good show...



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